2015 PHISCC Workshop: HI Surveys Get Real
March 16-18, 2015
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

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In order to elicit fresh perspectives and set the stage for a well-balanced program, the SOC has developed a "wish list" of twelve talk topics that we would like to see addressed at the meeting. This list is appended below. You are free to propose to give a talk on a topic from this list or give a contributed talk or poster on a topic of your choice (as space permits). This format follows the template used by several previous North American ALMA Science Center workshops: the SOC will invite a small number of speakers, and then select from those who volunteer to give "wish list" talks or propose their own topics. "Wish list" talks will be longer than other contributed talks, schedule permitting.

  1. What is the effective bias of the HI density field relative to the distributions of galaxies and dark matter?
  2. How do we expect HI gas mass to vary with a galaxy's redshift, environment, and/or assembly history?
  3. Can HI observations usefully constrain models of how galaxies grow in mass (e.g., via major mergers or cold mode accretion)?
  4. What HI observable(s) will best constrain models of the baryon cycle of galactic inflows and outflows?
  5. How can we use HI surveys to improve our understanding of the multiphase ISM of galaxies?
  6. What are the best current strategies for dealing with radio frequency interference?
  7. What are the main algorithmic challenges for calibrating and imaging large HI datasets?
  8. What is the most overlooked/underappreciated challenge for software development faced by large HI surveys (archiving, source-finding, source-fitting, or something else?), and why?
  9. How realistic can (and/or should) a simulated pathfinder HI dataset be?
  10. How can HI intensity mapping (baryon acoustic oscillation) experiments make best use of the results of traditional HI surveys, and vice versa?
  11. What are the prospects for synergy between HI surveys and blind surveys of other ISM tracers (e.g., dust continuum and CO line emission)?
  12. What are the prospects for synergy between HI surveys and surveys with LSST, WFIRST, Euclid, and other optical facilities?

Last updated March 14, 2015.